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Success Criterion 3.3.4 - Level AA

Error Prevention (Legal, Financial, Data)

Ensure users submit data intentionally. Allows users to undo, correct, or confirm a submission. Provide at least one of these options for submissions that cause a legal obligation, financial transaction, or loss of data.


  • Everyone benefits from preventing unforeseen consequences.

  • Confirming submissions is important for users of assistive technologies because they are more likely make mistakes when entering data.


Is confirmation requested before submissions are final?

This can be tested without assistive technologies.


Use a dialog for confirmation

On Android, you can show a dialog by using AlertDialogBottomSheetDialog or DialogFragment. You should always add a close button by using the setNegativeButton method. The focus of assistive technologies is automatically trapped inside the dialog while it's visible.

val builder = AlertDialog.Builder(this)
builder.setTitle("Confirm Appt membership?")
builder.setMessage("Your bank account will be billed.")

builder.setPositiveButton("Proceed") { dialog, which ->
  // Proceed

builder.setNegativeButton("Cancel") { dialog, which ->
  // Cancel



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